Explore how transforming every screen into an advertising space can drive significant revenue growth for your business. Also Available for Uber & Taxi Drivers!
Add a display to your shop window or anywhere inside your shop and install the City17 Display Link app to display the QR Code on it.
Connect your display with City17’s platform by downloading the City17 Display Manager app to scan the QR Code shown on the display.
Keep an eye on the City 17 Display Manager app for advertisement offers and ensure you approve the ones you are happy to show to start earning passive money!
1. Install a tablet in your vehicle and use the City17 Display Link app to display the QR Code.
2. Once the QR Code is showing you will be able to scan it with the Display Manager app.
3. You’re all set! Now, simply wait for advertisement offers to roll in, and approve the ones you like most.
Foster a sense of community around your shop by featuring local events, partnerships, or initiatives on your digital displays. Engage with the neighborhood and position your shop as a valued member of the community.
Stand out from the crowd with captivating digital displays that draw attention from passersby. Elevate your brand’s presence and make a lasting impression on potential customers.
Monetize your shop by hosting advertisements from local businesses or relevant brands with any Android TV. Transform your shop into a lucrative advertising space, generating passive income while you focus on running your business.
At City 17, transparency is our priority! After deducting payment gateway fees, you retain 100% of the earnings from selling ad spaces. Every penny goes directly into your pocket, with no hidden charges. With City 17, you’re in full control of your profits. Join us today and maximize your advertising revenue! 🚀
At City 17, we offer a free plan that allows you to add a single display to your account at no cost. However, to add additional displays beyond the first one, you’ll need to subscribe to our premium plan. Each new display added to your account under the subscription plan costs $50 per month. This subscription ensures the continual growth and expansion of our platform, reaching audiences worldwide.
Any Android display will work perfectly with City 17. Just make sure that Google Play is available, as some suppliers or TVs might not fully support all apps. Double-check this when selecting your display to ensure compatibility with the City 17 Display Link app.